New Premium Ironman 4x4 First-Aid kits

New Premium Ironman 4x4 First-Aid kits

ironman 4x4

Ironman 4x4, together with Australian Paramedics have developed two new first aid kits to cater for the rugged demands of the Australian outdoor lifestyle. 

An innovative pouch system design ensures administering first aid has never been quicker or easier. Each pouch serves a specific type of injury, from small and large wounds, fractures, sprains, and a full snake bite kit. The pouch system provides quick access to the medical aid you need in any situation. Carry peace of mind with you and be ready for any emergency situation with the Ironman 4x4 first aid kit.

Small kit (65 piece) includes:

2 Large Latex Free Gloves Trama Bandage 12 Safety Pins
1 CPR Face Shield 1 Swabs Gauze (5x5cm) 1 Stainless Forceps
6 x Cleansing Wipes 6 Swab Gauze (7.5x7.5cm) 1 Scissors
2 Isopropyl Alcohol Wipes 1 Eye Dressing Pad 1 Emergency Thermal Blanket
20 Adhesive Plastic Strips (19x72mm) 2 Conforming Bandages (7.5cm x  1.5m) 1 Instruction Booklet
2 Knuckle Adhesive Plaster 3 x High Compression Bandages (110x110x155cm)
1 Adhesive Strip (60x75mm) 1 Hypoallergenic Tape (12mm x 5m)

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First aid kit

Large kit (135 piece) includes:

2 Latex Free Gloves 1 Swabs Gauze (5x5cm) 1 Large Ice Pack
1 CPR Face Shield 1 Swabs Gauze (7.5x7.5cm) 10 Disposable Splinter Probes
10 Cleansing Wipes 1 Eye Pad Dressing 1 Note Book & Pencil
2 Antiseptic Wipes 3 Conforming Bandages (7.5cm x 1.5m) 5 Cotton Tips
4 Isopropyl Alcohol Wipes 4 High Compression Bandages (10cm x 1.5m)  1 Small Resealable Plastic Bag
4 Sodium Chloride Ampoules (15ml) 3 Triangular Bandages (110x110x155cm) 1 Medium Resealable Plastic Bag
50 Adhesive Plastic Strips (19x72mm) 1 Hypoallergenic Tape (25mm x 9m) 1 Large Resealable Plastic Bag
1 Medium Trauma Bandage 12 Safety Pins 1 Emergency Thermal Blanket
1 Large Trauma Bandage 1 Burn Gel 1 APL First Aid Instruction Booklet
2 Non Adherent Dressings (5x7.5cm) 1 Stainless Steel Forceps 2 Knuckle Adhesive Plaster
2 Non Adherent Dressings (7.5x10cm) 1 Trauma Scissors 3 Comforming Badanges (5cm x 1.5m)

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ironman 4x4

Ironman 4x4, together with Australian Paramedics have developed two new first aid kits to cater for the rugged demands of the Australian outdoor lifestyle.