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A high-quality air-compressor is a good thing to own. 4WDing, camping, boating, hunting, or fishing, a good portable air-compressor can assist with numerous related tasks.

My favourite past-time is ‘beach driving’. Aussie's have to be the luckiest people on the planet. You could spend a lifetime doing just a one-lap tour of our country’s coastline. And that wouldn'’t include a peek at the more than 7,600,000 square kilometres in the middle!

You an off-roader? Lower tyre pressures mean greater traction. Letting some air out of your tyres increases its ‘footprint’ area. This reduces the weight per square cm and also increases the ‘length’ of the contact area.

Contrary to what many people will try to tell you, it is the increase in length, rather than width, which improves a vehicle’s ability to cross soft surfaces.

Take a look at some photos of horse-drawn coaches, or cars sold in the early part of the 20th century. Notice that they are fitted with very tall and skinny wheels. Yet, they were capable of driving on very sandy or extremely muddy roads that (today) we would call ‘tracks’.

And, just as it does on a snow ski, it is the length of the contact area that makes the difference.

If you always carry a decent tyre pump, you won't hesitate to let some air out of the tyres when desirable. (You know you will be able to pump them up again).

Driving on the road with low tyre pressures, is not wise.

If you plan to drive on sand regularly, buy the best-performing air-pump your budget will allow.

So which pump?

With as many 'brands' available as baubles on a Christmas tree, the choice can be over-whelming!

From experience, few models live up to the claims printed on their box. Hose connections are a real bugger on many pumps. When you're outback trying to repair and re-inflate a tyre, or are getting back onto the tar after a beach run - You need peformance over promises.

But check out 4WD Action Magazine's latest AIR COMPRESSOR COMPARO - An extensive torture and comparrsion test of 24 (yes, 24) popularly-distributed portable pumps.

What I liked about the 4WD Action test was their focus on the pumps peformance during realistic use (ie. hard work).

The output of a pump under no load means exactly that... Nothing!

Let's do 4! Lets do 8 tyres! Let's check the operating temperatures... I like it!

I'm going to be the guy who spoils the ending of a good movie you wanted to see:

The winner of the (24) pump comparison test was the 150L DR AIR PRO-FLOW unit. This unit has now been upgraded to 180L!!

How good is it? I think the guys at 4WD Action said it best:

"... And then we come to our champ - both of the $251-$500 category, and 1st place overall. The DR AIR PRO-FLOW is a sensational piece of equipment that consistently placed at the top of it's field in all disciplines, only being bettered in the initial 0-40psi test. A five-year warranty and sub-$300 purchase price mean that when the dust settled and we tallied the figures, it was the clear winner..."

In the single tyre inflation test of from 16-40psi, the DR AIR PRO-FLOW did the job in 2.42 minutes. Tyre size was 33x11.5x16 or 285/75R16.

This was faster than the Tigerz 11, MCC 150LPM, TJM Portable, KCI, Piranha Max Volume, MCC 90LPM, Bushranger RV Air, MCC 72lpm, Bushranger Power Air, ARB CKMP12, Terrain Tamer TTAC3, Bushranger Super Max, Opposite Lock 1Air, Bushranger Auto Max, Bushranger Max Air, Bushranger Black Max, Bushranger Pro Air, Piranha Red and the Opposite Lock Twin Tongue pump.

The Terrain Tamer TTAC2 was DNF (That's a polite acronym for DID NOT FINISH). A bit like DOA means DEAD ON ARRIVAL.

In the speed inflation test of four (4) tyres, the DR AIR PRO-FLOW did the job in 12.16 minutes. Tyre size was 33x11.5x16 or 285/75R16.

This was faster than the Tigerz 11, MCC 150LPM, TJM Portable, KCI, Piranha Max Volume, Bushranger RV Air, MCC 72lpm, Bushranger Power Air, ARB CKMP12, Terrain Tamer TTAC3, Bushranger Super Max, Opposite Lock 1Air, Bushranger Auto Max, Bushranger Max Air, Bushranger Black Max, Bushranger Pro Air, Piranha Red and the Opposite Lock Twin Tongue pump.

The Terrain Tamer TTAC2 was DNF (DID NOT FINISH).

The MCC 90lpm was also DNF (DID NOT FINISH).

The DR AIR PRO-FLOW did the job 12 seconds faster than the ARB CKMP12, and 4 minutes and 18 seconds faster than the TJM Portable.

In the speed inflation test of eight (8) tyres, the DR AIR PRO-FLOW did the job in 25 minutes and 30 seconds. Tyre size was 33x11.5x16 or 285/75R16.

This was faster than the Tigerz 11, TJM Portable, KCI, Piranha Max Volume, Bushranger RV Air, Bushranger Power Air, ARB CKMP12, Terrain Tamer TTAC3, Bushranger Super Max, Opposite Lock 1Air, Bushranger Auto Max, Bushranger Max Air, Bushranger Black Max, Bushranger Pro Air, Piranha Red and the Opposite Lock Twin Tongue pump.

The Terrain Tamer TTAC2 was DNF (DID NOT FINISH).
The MCC 72lpm was also DNF (DID NOT FINISH).
The MCC 90lpm was also DNF (DID NOT FINISH).
The MCC 150lpm was also DNF (DID NOT FINISH).

And, the ARB CKMP12 was also DNF (DID NOT FINISH).

The DR AIR PRO-FLOW did the job in excess of 8 minutes faster than the TJM Portable, and almost 2 minutes faster than the Opposite Lock Twin Tongue pump.

Space is at a premium when traveling. It's why so many ask if a particular tyre pump or air-compressor can be under-bonnet mounted.

Whether you spend $200 or $2000, the answer in the case of an electric-powered pump is (should be) no.

The greatest inhibitor of a compressors performance is heat. An electric compressor (any brand) generates tremendous heat - even at mild ambient temperatures.

Few pumps will inflate a decent size 4WD tyre from 15 to 36psi twice without needing a rest, or the thermostatic overload protection switch kicking in.

So why start at engine room temperature?

Speaking of heat, 4WD Action Magazine said of the DR AIR PRO-FLO  "It's also surprising that although most of the faster compressors gave high temperature readings, this unit produced a reading of 54'C at the cylinder head. [ie. a good rap].


8 metre rubber hose
Screw on tyre value - allows for hands free inflation
50mm diameter in-line gauge calibrated in kPa and PSI
Inflates large 275/70R16 4WD tyre 0 to 42 PSI in under 3.5 minutes
Inflates average 215/55R16 tyre 0 to 42 PSI in just over 1.5 minutes
Quick release connector
Inbuilt circuit breaker and switch
2.4m 12V power cable with heavy duty battery clips
Assorted inflating nozzles
Metal sand tray
Sturdy carry handle
Storage bag with zipper

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